Friday, October 8, 2010


Where do you begin? I guess I could begin with a purpose and some ideas of what I want this space to be...
  1. A place where I can share creative ideas and projects that you can do with kids.
  2. A place where I can share my artistic endeavors related to my children.
  3. A place where I can talk about parenting and children.
As a mental health therapist in her forties with a four year old and a one year old, I can quite honestly say that I thought about parenting for years before I actually became one. It has been so much more than I ever could have fathomed. Through this blog, I want to share my unique voice as a mother, an artist, and a therapist. My hope is that I can be helpful to someone- and create a community that can support me as well.

Okay- I think that is a good enough mission statement for now. I am excited to see what will happen next:-)

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